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Abella Heart Blog

El seguro lo cubre?

Es absolutamente esencial que los pacientes den prioridad a su bienestar y su salud por encima de todo. Nuestra salud es nuestro activo más valioso, y es esencial que cuidemos de nosotros mismos. A veces, esto significa dejar la cobertura del seguro en un segundo...

About compression hose…..

All About Compression Stockings: How to Wear Them and What is the Right Time to Wear Them? Image Source: FreeImages In a world where taking care of your legs has become an integral necessity of daily life, compression stockings have gained considerable relevance. Have...

What is restless legs syndrome?

  Restless legs syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, is a common neurological disorder that affects up to 10% of the population in the United States. This condition is characterized by an overwhelming and irresistible urge to move the legs, often...

What is phlebolymphedema

  Phlebolymphedema is a medical condition that combines both lymphatic and venous issues, leading to inflammation and swelling, primarily in the lower legs and feet. This condition is commonly overlooked but is crucial to manage appropriately. If not effectively...