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Health care professionals want to know how to serve patients better. At Abella Health, we want you to talk about your medical history, family history, your questions and concerns. It helps us to treat you better when we have a complete picture of who you are as a person. You are not just a list of symptoms. To get the most out of your visit, participate in the relationship with your doctor and become an advocate for yourself.

We offer personalized medicine and encourage you to be an active participant in caring for your health. Accomplishing this requires some time and commitment on the part of the patient. Isn’t your health worth the effort?

A good place to begin is to spend time preparing for an office visit by making a list of questions to ask your doctor; do some research about related conditions, treatments or medications; and learn how lifestyle changes can help the cause.

In this Time article, physicians across the country were consulted on how patients can take an active role in their medical care. Communication is a good way to make sure you and your physician are in alignment. Here is a list of nine questions to consider asking your doctor during your next check-up:

  1. What are the different treatment options?
  2. What outcome should I expect?
  3. Does this have to be done now or can it wait?
  4. What can I do to improve my condition?
  5. What are the side effects?
  6. How and when will I receive test results?
  7. How much will this cost?
  8. Should I get a second opinion?
  9. What haven’t I asked that I should?

Patients should not feel intimidated about asking their physician questions. It helps the provider to understand what is most important to you and your perspectives – ones that may not have occurred to them. If your healthcare provider does not respond well or provide all the information you need, it may be time to look for a new physician.

Patients need to remember they can step up and take action on their behalf, instead of relying solely on medication, treatments and procedures. Making good nutrition choices, being active, getting enough sleep and factors like smoking and drinking – account for 70 percent of your risk for illness and health.

Abella Health is a unique practice which provides primary care, with a specialization on cardiac and vein care. Dr. Manuel Abella is an Interventional Cardiologist and Vein Specialist who has been practicing in the Miami area for 23 years. We offer personalized medicine featuring physician and nurse practitioner accessibility 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you suffer from varicose veins or spider veins, we can help. The professional staff provides the most comprehensive range of treatments and diagnostic testing in the area. Contact us today to learn more about how we can meet your specific medical needs.