Healthy Miami Magazine
Dr. Abella is an advisor for Healthy Miami Magazine. He was also featured in the Healthy Hearts sections of Healthy Miami January 2017 Edition.
Abella Heart Was Featured in The Miami Herald April 2017
Dr. Abella appeared in an Educational Vein Health Campaign in The Miami Herald.
Let’s Get Ready For Summer
Dr. Abella appeared in a series of Vein Health Marketing Campaigns Pre & Summer Seasons.
Miami Herald
Dr. Abella appeared in a publication of the Miami Herald.
Miami Herald
Ask Dr. Abella/Vein Health Column debuts in the Health Section of Tropical Life of Miami Herald.
Dr. Abella was featured in the Digital Magazine
Miami Herald
Dr. Abella appeared in a publication of the Miami Herald.
Naples Daily News
Dr. Abella appeared in the Naples Daily News.
What is Depression
Image Source: Unsplash Depression increases cardiac mortality by 24%! Depression is a complex and devastating mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. If you or someone you know is dealing with depression, it's important to understand its...
Is it covered by insurance?
Is it covered by insurance? It is absolutely essential that patients prioritize their well-being and health above all else. Our health is our most valuable asset, and it is essential that we take care of ourselves. Sometimes, this means putting insurance coverage on...
El seguro lo cubre?
Es absolutamente esencial que los pacientes den prioridad a su bienestar y su salud por encima de todo. Nuestra salud es nuestro activo más valioso, y es esencial que cuidemos de nosotros mismos. A veces, esto significa dejar la cobertura del seguro en un segundo...
About compression hose…..
All About Compression Stockings: How to Wear Them and What is the Right Time to Wear Them? Image Source: FreeImages In a world where taking care of your legs has become an integral necessity of daily life, compression stockings have gained considerable relevance. Have...
Todo Sobre las Medias de Compresión: ¿Cómo Usarlas y Cuál es el Tiempo Adecuado de Uso?
Todo Sobre las Medias de Compresión: ¿Cómo Usarlas y Cuál es el Tiempo Adecuado de Uso? Image Source: FreeImages En un mundo donde cuidar de tus piernas se ha convertido en una necesidad integral de la vida diaria, las medias de compresión han ganado relevancia...