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Vein problems are common, but many aren’t sure if what they’re experiencing deserves medical attention. If the texture, color, and shape of your legs is changing, or different than it was before, you may be experiencing symptoms of venous disease. Heaviness, restless legs and pain are other common symptoms.

Color Changes

When blood veins are damaged, and blood valves in the legs don’t work properly, a number of things can happen, and one of those is a change in color. Often patients with venous disease have skin in the lower legs turn a dark brown color. Darkening of the skin to any degree should lead a person to see a doctor. Many with varicose veins have red-colored discoloration on the legs.

Pain, Heaviness and Discomfort

One of the most important signs that indicate you need help is that your legs hurt, to the point that it inhibits your day-to-day activity. You may also feel heaviness in your legs. Pain, or a throbbing sensation, is a common sign of venous reflux, a condition characterized by blood vessel valves that are malfunctioning. Poorly functioning valves mean increased pressure on the veins. Blood may even be flowing backward.

Texture Changes

Venous insufficiency can also result in the hardening of the skin. There can also be swelling. The skin can also be bumpy in appearance, or there may be a rash. Look for any of these changes to identify venous or circulation issues.

Varicose and Spider Veins

Varicose and spider veins are perhaps the most common symptoms of venous disease. When blood vein valves don’t function properly, proper drainage doesn’t occur, meaning that veins experience pressure, and dilate. This can lead to unsightly veins showing through the skin, often dramatically bulky. Spider veins are when thin veins are visible, often blue in color. They come from the same issue: malfunctioning valves.

Remember, millions of people deal with venous disease, so don’t dismiss these symptoms if you think you’re experiencing them. In fact millions of work days are missed every year because of venous insufficiency.

There are certain things that should cause you to be especially attentive for potential vein issues. The following are important contributing causes of venous insufficiency:

• Hereditary causes
• Being obese or overweight
• Having a job where you stand often
• Multiple pregnancies

If any of these factors describe you, watch for symptoms of venous disease, and deal with issues quickly. Venous problems don’t simply go away with time, and often worsen if they aren’t dealt with. Various minimally invasive treatments are available with a very high success rate.


In Summary:

What are the symptoms of venous disease? Venous disease can cause painful and uncomfortable symptoms such as varicose veins, spider veins, reticular veins, and restless leg syndrome (RLS). It can also lead to conditions like blood clots and leg ulcers. Does venous disease go away on its own? Unfortunately, venous disease does not disappear on its own. Should I consult a specialist for venous disease? If you are experiencing signs of venous disease, it is recommended to consult a specialist vascular. What are the potential complications of venous disease? Venous disease can lead to dangerous medical conditions such as blood clot formation and leg ulcers. What is the prevalence of venous disease? Venous disease affects almost 30% of the population. 


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