Abella Heart Blog

Flying with Varicose Veins
Miami is such a cosmopolitan hub for many cultures partly because the Miami International Airport provides access to virtually every geographical destination on the planet. But for people who live with varicose veins or vein disease, flying can be a dangerous...

Basics on Water and Pool Exercise Therapy
When it comes to varicose veins, time in water or a pool can be very beneficial. At Abella Health, our spider vein and varicose veins treatment programs often include an element of swimming or pool exercise. Why is this kind of activity so beneficial for people with...

Debunking Myths About Varicose Veins
Over the years, there has been a lot of confusion and misinformation regarding varicose veins. Contrary to what some believe, they are not caused by crossing your legs. They can be caused by pregnancy though. Exercise helps prevent, not cause, them. Their appearance...

The Truth About Compression Stockings
Compression stockings and socks have been proven to improve venous blood flow and symptoms of vein disease, and reduce leg swelling. Medical-grade graduated compression socks are useful for patients suffering from varicose and spider veins. They are a good preventive...

Compression Stockings for Athlete Varicose Veins
While you might not think it at first due to the way their activity levels promote circulation, athletes deal with varicose veins just like many of the rest of us. For these people, compression stockings – which have long been used to treat varicose veins and are now...

Common Varicose Vein Myths Debunked
As a top vein clinic in Miami, we at Abella Health and Abella Heart are very experienced with varicose veins and their treatment. We develop a comprehensive treatment plan based on individual needs, and can help with everything from minor to extremely serious varicose...